NatHERS House Energy Ratings

GreenForm offers a straight forward and competitive NatHERS energy rating service. We offer compliance services to meet the minimum 6 star standard, BASIX compliance, or designing to achieve high efficiency buildings.

Upon receival of the building plans, one of our expert thermal performance assessors will conduct an assessment using the latest thermal software to help you achieve the best results for your project.


Why NatHERS?

NatHERS applies to residential projects. For Class 1 dwellings (eg. houses, townhouses) it is an optional means of compliance in NSW, however in all other states/territories, and for Class 2 dwellings (units, apartments), it is mandatory Australia wide.

NatHERS is the most common method for energy efficiency compliance used for Class 1 dwellings because of the flexibility and cost effective outcomes. It can be combined with BASIX for NSW projects, or for all other states and territories it can be used in place of the BCA DTS Elemental Provisions or Verification method.

Thermal Modelling Snapshot:

Advantages of NatHERS:

Reduced construction costs, increased flexibility in design, high performance buildings, improved options over BASIX.

GreenForm is experienced with NatHERS assessments, and with over 10 years experience as energy rating consultants, you can be confident we have the expertise for your project. Contact us today to find out more.